The Foundation’s charter describes the Deloitte Foundation’s opportunities to provide support: According to the charter, the purpose provision is:
“The Foundation’s primary objective is to contribute to the preservation of the audit firm as an autonomous, independent company with high professional standards. The audit firm is to be understood to be Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, which is a continuation of Revisions- og Forvaltningsinstituttet Aktieselskab. This continuation is the result of a restructuring of the Deloitte Group and the previous merger of the audit firms Schøbel & Marholdt and Revisions- og Forvaltningsinstituttet. Accordingly, the Foundation must ensure that training is provided to insightful personalities, who must at all times be attached to the audit firm and retained for it. This is considered a key condition for achieving the Foundation’s purpose. Therefore, where circumstances dictate, the Foundation must be able to provide support for the securing of economically satisfactory working conditions for those persons who are attached to the company. This includes securing their old age. In connection with this, it must be possible for the Foundation’s funds to contribute to the professional training of personnel. Support in accordance with these provisions may be provided as a gift or loan.”
The Foundation’s secondary purpose is to distribute funds in support of scientific research in the fields of economics and auditing, as well as funds to art through the purchase of works of art. The same applies to the distribution of funds for national charitable or other non-profit purposes at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Please send an application for funding in accordance with the Foundation’s charter to the Foundation’s Director, John Ladekarl, by email:
The Foundation requests that the following materials be included in the application as a minimum:
The Foundation thus wishes to receive a motivated application.
A motivated application can include why you want to go on a study programme at the educational institution in question. This may be information about specific subjects you are applying for and information about the educational institution’s core values that you may find interesting. Your application may then include what your short-term and long-term objectives are for the study programme, and how the study programme can support your career goals, professional development and your personal and professional motivation for the programme.
To be considered, there must be a documented association with Deloitte of at least 12 months and continued employment after a study stay abroad.
In addition, the application should contain a recommendation from the immediate leader.