Art on the walls is a fairly appropriate way to increase well-being and inventiveness, and to create a framework where ideas can flourish and develop at the workplace, resulting in better solutions.
As part of the purpose provision, the Foundation has purchased a number of works of art and lent them to Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab’s various locations. The Foundation intends to continue to do this in the future. The current works of art and their location are shown below. All works of art have a sign attached with the artist’s name and a statement that the work of art is on loan from the Deloitte Foundation.
J. Silberg
J. Silberg
J. Silberg
J. Silberg
Maja Lisa Engelhardt
Bjørn Nørgaard
Mogens Leander
Mogens Leander
Mogens Leander
Mogens Leander
Lise Thomsen
Peer Poulsen
Johannes Cramer-Møller
Johannes Cramer-Møller
Johannes Cramer-Møller
Johannes Cramer-Møller
Gina Pellon
Hans Tyrrestrup
Hans Tyrrestrup
Knud Nielsen
Torbjørn Olsen
Rene Holm
Rene Holm
Rene Holm
Rene Holm
Rene Holm
Rene Holm