If employees of Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab are to function optimally, the physical surroundings are vital. The same applies to the well-being and development of employees. The physical surroundings must therefore be pleasant to be in, and ideally they will be in a good location where there are also effective logistics. The Deloitte Foundation contributes to this by investing in properties where Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab operates, and where they are rented on market terms.
The Deloitte Foundation has three properties that are rented out. Two serve as owner-occupied properties for Deloitte and the Esbjerg property is rented out to an external tenant:
6700 Esbjerg
6000 Kolding
5000 Odense
In line with changes in the audit firm in connection with mergers, a reorganisation and amalgamations, etc. the following properties have previously been disposed of: